Thursday, July 20, 2006

Just a quick update.

I don't think I have much to report! Evan's been Presbyterian this week, enjoying their Vacation Bible School. Aidan and Toby have enjoyed their time in the mornings, but when we drop Evan off Toby waves and says, "Ebba, Ebba, Ebba" his way of saying Evan. I'm 7+ weeks pregnant and starting to feel it. I picked up Chinese food last night which was fine because I didn't have to cook! Jim's running a garage sale today. He's made over $300, but $200 of it was because he sold a van. That's Jim!


Mom With Bipolar said...

What van did he sell?

Did he do a "Jim style" garage sale where he leaves everything out and a bucket for the money?

Tara said...

No bucket, he was actually there. He sold the blue one that has lived by the garage all winter.

Tooz said...
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