Wednesday, February 04, 2009

WFMW: Staying power

And here is a Works For Me Wednesday that 9 years ago I was certain would never come! I have figured out a really easy way to get those cute plastic clippy barrettes to stay in Avery's baby fine fly away hair! Someone told me to wrap the back piece with thread and that would make it non-slip. Great, but then I would have to go to the basement, put away the toys from in front of my craft cupboard and dig through it to find the thread. Instead, I did this:

I took one of the tiny little ponytail holders and wrapped it around the back of the barrette! Works like a charm! The pony holder grips the hair so the weight of the barrette doesn't pull it out and also creates just enough resistance that Avery's attempts at pulling it out are thwarted (unless she gets really determined which she usually doesn't).

See, works great! :) Isn't she cute???


Jeni said...

Hey - that's a great idea!! I've also heard that you can hot-glue or super-glue a small piece of that rug-gripper material to the inside to keep it from slipping. Your idea is easier. :-)

Unknown said...

wow great idea! I'll definitely try this.

thanks for your encouraging words on my blog--having at least one thing planned each day has been my sanity saver, for sure!

Rebecca said...

And in follow up to Jeni's comment, I've also heard that you can hot glue the barrette directly to the child's head. Oh, wait, maybe that's not how it went...

But seriously, yes, she is cute.

amy@flexibledreams said...

Great tip! This one also works on the cute little bows where the clip parts are covered in ribbon (who's great idea was that?!) and also slide right out of my daughter's hair.

Tooz said...

I'm going to have to suggest that we try that on the Princess's hair! She pulls hers out, rather than them falling out, but same difference. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!