Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Trouble with the kids

Goat kids that is. We came home from grocery shopping to find all three goats in Jim's garage. Leaving three of the kids (children, not goats) in the van, I started to corral the kids (goats, not children) back into the pasture. They'd escaped from a 10 inch high opening under the gate. So, I wrangled the kids (children, not goats) into the house, put Avery down for a nap and plugged the boys in to a movie. Then I headed back outside and worked for about an hour adding some wire fencing to the bottom of the fence that exists. While I was doing that, Aidan decided to help Toby with a box of fruit snacks. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, while I was building a fence for the kids (goats) the kids (children) were inside eating an entire box of fruit snacks (remember, I'd just gotten back from the grocery store). And, being the resourceful child that he is, Aidan was using a scissors to open each package! And, yes, they ate the entire box. And while no children or goats were hurt in this endeavor, I was. I'm full of scratches from the ends of the wire fencing I used. And the fence had to be built in a patch of stinging nettles. And less good ol' Mrs. B (my dear third grade teacher) is reading this and having a heart attack from all the sentences starting with the word "and" I shall now go clean up wrappers from 10 packages of fruit snacks. The end. :)

Edited to add: And when children eat almost an entire box of fruit snacks it does intersting things to their insides...I'll leave the coloring of the contents of the diaper of the youngest boy up to your imagination...

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