Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Where I announce a winner!

Thanks so much for all the great ideas and resources for my political fundraiser lunch! I think I was supposed to announce a winner to the contest sometime last Monday. I have a good excuse. Norovirus. That's all I'm going to say about that. Except that I'm really glad I only have four children and not nineteen or something. :)

So, I went to which chose lucky number four! Mom2Fur is the lucky winner! I've contacted her via her blog and hope to hear from her soon. If for some reason she is unable to fulfill her role as winner I'll pick someone new. :)

Thanks for playing!


Mom2fur said...

Oh, awesome! Me winning..not the danged virus. I hope you all feel better soon.
I work for a pediatrician and she would tell you: no fruit, no dairy. If the kids can keep it down, a sip of tea (ginger tea settles the stomach nicely) helps. I really hope that by now you don't need any advice and you are all 100% well!
I'll be e-mailing you.

Mom2fur said...

Hi, again, Tara. I tried contacting you via e-mail but have not heard from you. Did my mail go through? If not, here's mine:
lufmikidz at aol dot com.
If you already gave the prize to someone else, don't worry about it. Sometimes, our e-mails vanish into the great cyber beyond, LOL!

Ben and Emily said...

Hey gal - so what did you decide for the lunch? Has it already happened? Hope all is well

Rebecca said...

yes, do tell us about the luncheon with the congressman! Pictures, too!

Loved your comments about sock issues. I hope you don't have any of those 8 daily socks lying around your house when the politicians visit.

Herding Grasshoppers said...

Nice to "meet" you Tara :D

Oh my... good luck with the lunch. My cooking runs more to 'throw something in the crockpot' or PBJ's. I'm sure you'll do fine!
