Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday

With four kids in the house, we have a lot of toys. Many of those toys have TONS of little pieces. Legos, FP Little People, puzzles, Veggie Tales sets, the list goes on. Instead of having one big toy box for our toy collection, we have multiple little toy boxes. I buy shoe or sweater sized clear boxes with lids and keep each category of toys in a separate box. All the pieces stay together which makes playing with the toys much easier. I also store some of these boxes in the basement and rotate the toys which keeps them fresh and interesting! Works for me! Many more helpful hints can be found at Rocks in my Dryer. Shannon does an amazing job on her blog, so stay and read a bit there, too!


Jane said...

I do this in the classroom and my toys last forever this way. Also teaches organizational lessons!

Kacey said...

Ooohhh, I always love a toy storage idea! Thanks for sharing!

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...
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Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

This is definitely the way to go! In our house, any sets are in small boxes like that, and my girls know that they may only have one "set" out at a time.

Great tip!

Anonymous said...

I agree that large toy boxes are not really that helpful. The kids can't see what's in the bottom and have a hard time keeping things organized. I have made use of items like the ones you suggested. The company I work for has a great, free resource available to help think through how to organize kids rooms. Check it out at