Sunday, March 18, 2007

Two Toby Tales

The other day I was nursing Avery with a very interested Toby audience. As Avery was latching on, Toby started cracking up. He was just laughing and laughing. Finally, when he was able to take a breath, he said, "she ate it!!! She ate it!!!" Apparently he thought that was pretty hilarious!

This morning we had the possibility of a much more serious story. In the rush to get all of us ready and out the door to church, I left a fresh cup of hot coffee on the edge of the counter. Toby was puttering around and pulled it down on top of himself. Jim and I heard a sudden howling cry and rushed to the kitchen to find Toby covered in hot coffee and screaming. Thankfully, he had only a mild red patch of burn on his chest in a ribbed pattern from the sweater he was wearing. We got him cleaned up and into fresh clothes. He was pretty traumatized by the experience, or maybe it was trauma from the kitchen sprayer we sprayed cold water on him with. He kept saying, "Coffee burn Toby. Aidan no burn coffee." Usually his sentences are pretty put together, so with this sort of wording we knew he was pretty scared. During church I was in the nursery and checked on his chest. The only remnant of his morning was a patch of sticky carmel hazelnut creamer dried into his hair. Well, at least he smells good now. And we figure he won't be much of a coffee drinker...


Tooz said...

Tara, I'm so glad Toby wasn't burned badly--thank God for His watchful eye. My cousin's son pulled a pan of spaghetti onto him when he was around three. He recovered with some scaring, but he does eat spaghetti, so maybe Toby will be okay about coffee, too. And I also think the story of Toby watching Avery nurse is really cute. Love you all.

Jenn-Jenn, the Mother Hen said...

I'm happy to hear Toby's okay! Stuff like that is so scary for both parents and child! I second Tooz's thankfulness for God's watching over Toby!