And a few other kids, but since yesterday was Toby's birthday, I thought I'd share that! We had a nice little party with Zane and his parents. Jim's parents were also able to make it which was extra special.
Today I had a heck of a morning.
Avery slept in which was great.
Toby slept in too, also great.
Aidan didn't, but hey, two out of four ain't bad!
Aidan made a mess out of Toby's new birthday toys. Which of course included toys with small parts.
Avery and Toby woke up. Avery of course wanted to nurse. Toby of course had a majorly messy diaper.
Avery nursed while I lived in denial about how messy Toby's diaper was.
Toby got a bath.
Once the kids were all fed, changed, dressed, changed and dressed again (Avery isn't a very lady like lady yet) we loaded up and went to Java Detour! I figured after that morning I needed it!
At 9:30 a friend and her two kids came over. At 9:45 another friend brought her 3 year old over so she could go to the doctor. So, from 9:45-1:30 we had: 2-3 adults, 3 3 year olds, 1 two year old, an almost 1 year old and a 4 week old. How many does that make???? And we were crazy enough to let the kids play outside, so needless to say I've gotten in my workout for the day!!! :) Phew! Now to try to get in a little rest while Avery and Toby are sleeping!