Sunday, October 28, 2007

Another Bloggy Giveaway!

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Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer is hosting another giveaway carnival! Click here to go to a list of what will probably end up being hundreds of awesome giveaways. Anywho, as I did during Shannon's springtime carnival I've decided to give away a handmade item. I will custom make one Mother's Bracelet for two lucky winners!
Each bracelet has a colorful design (or I can do all one color, your choice). Each of your children will be represented by a silver colored flower bead. The bracelets are made from colored, polished, stone beads and silver colored flower beads and spacers. All you have to do is leave me a nice comment telling me why you'd like to win making sure I have a way to contact you and I'll choose two lucky winners on Friday, November 2 around 1:00 pm assuming the kids are napping like they should! And since I know you'll be entering dozens of contests, I'll even contact you if you win! Easy as pie. :) I would also be happy to make non-winners a bracelet for just $6 which includes shipping to the USA!!! :) Good luck!


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Anonymous said...

Very pretty!! Count me in!

Real Life Sarah said...

It is so beautiful! I'd love to win it!

Anonymous said...


Many thanks for taking part!

Cara Putman said...

I would love to be included. It's beautiful!

Lori said...

Beautiful, add me.

Anonymous said...

Lovely! Please add me!!

Nicole said...

i've always wanted one of these! thanks!

El Shaddai Ranch said...

I would like to win to give this to my mother who just got married and now has 6 NEW grandchildren : )

Anonymous said...

beautiful!! Please enter my name, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me! It's so pretty!

Donna Dear said...

I would love one!

Heidi Jo Comes said...

can't tell you how many times i've wanted to purchase one of these, but always hesitated thinking my family might beat me to luck! i'd love one!

Mommin' It Up! said...

I would LOVE this so much!

Monique said...

That is beautiful, I would actually love to win one for my mom, she has 5 kids... 3 still living at home and i think it would be the perfect gift for her. Good luck everyon!

~Rhen @yestheyareallmine said...

I have 6 children and I would love to have a bracelet representing them. Count me in please!

Maude Lynn said...

I would love to win this for my mom!

Anonymous said...

Great prize, count me in.

Anonymous said...

I love this! It's gorgeous!

Carey said...

Ive always wanted a mothers bracelet. Could you enter me in your drawing too please. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this for my momma! summersnookATgmailDOTcom

Anonymous said...

Would love to win!!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Gorgeous! Sign me up! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful braclet, I would love to honor me being a mom with one of these!

Jessica said...

Love it! Count me in!

nicole said...

Not the typical Mom bracelet--very nice. I like that the colors don't have to be birthstones too-3 of my 4 (soon to be 5) kids were born in October, so I like having choices. Thanks for sharing. And your prices are so reasonable I might be back if I don't win.

Just Call Me Grammy said...

I have always wanted a mother's bracelet and this one is so cute!

Searching For Simplicity said...

I would love to win this. I've always wanting something that represented my children but couldn't afford to buy one...

My Trendy Tykes said...

A fellow pepsi lover here....
I would love to win the bracelet.


Monkey Kisses said...

absolutely cute bracelet.. would love it

Andrea said...

How fun! I'd love to win this one because I just don't have the time to make my own pretty bracelets! :)

The Baker Family said...

I would love to win because I don't have any bracelets, at all!

Melissa said...

Very pretty, I would love to win one!

Lisa Kay said...

Beautiful - thanks for hosting!

Lisa Kay

AngieB said...


Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I would love to win something so beautiful that is safe to wear with little ones.


Melissa said...

Very pretty! What a neat idea :) Count me in!!

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Count me in and Come enter mine, too!

We are Tommy's Advocates said...

so cute! I'd love to win this for my mom.

M.E. said...

What a cool bracelet! I'd love one in purples.
Great giveaway, enter me!

Jennifer Beaver said...

I would like to win one for my mother-in-law and include her two children and one grandchild on the bracelet.

Anonymous said...

Lovely bracelet!

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to get some sort of piece of mother's jewelry. This is perfect.

Kyra said...

Perfect! Please count me in!

Anonymous said...

Very Nice, Enter me Please!


windycindy said...

Hi, I would like to win because winning is fun! I also have two teenage sons I adore and would love a bracelet to wear in their honor. Thanks, Cindi

Qtpies7 said...

Well, its jewelry, thats why I'd like to win! I love bracelets! I have 7 children, and it is not easy to get jewelry to represent all of them.
I also LOVE beads, beaded jewelry? I'm in!

Tammy said...

I would love to win this for my mom! I know it is something that she would really enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I'm pregnant with baby # 3, and I've never had any sort of 'mom' jewelry. How precious!


Anonymous said...

I have 4 of my own and 4 that were given to me as gifts when I got married. What a way to combine them. thanks.
kanddallison at yahoo dot com

Elizabeth F. said...

I ahve always wanted a mother's bracelet! Enter me please.

Betsy said...


Kiki said...

So pretty, I'm in!

Becca said...

This is very pretty. I have a 'mommy necklace' which isn't as pretty, although it's cute. My kids made it for me from wooden beads and I wear it every so often so they can feel happy about it. I'd love to wear a cute mommy bracelet with my mommy necklace. Thank you!

Katrina @ Callapidder Days said...

I am always looking at mother's necklaces, bracelets, rings... but have never gone so far as to buy one. Your bracelet is beautiful and I'd love to win one. Thanks!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

My post didn't show up so I am trying again. I would love a mother's bracelet it is so pretty. Please include me in your drawing

M the Mommy said...

Very pretty -- count me in!

Linda said...

These are very pretty! I love bracelets and have two lovely daughters (and a grand daughter on the way) and would love to win!

Kimberlee said...

I would love to give this to a friend of mine that has 6 children. She has such a hard time finding jewelry that will represent all 6 of them! Thank you for sharing! They are beautiful!

Memarie Lane said...

I'd like to win this for my mom. She's always wanted a nice piece of "mom" jewelry. Also her wrists are very small and she can never find bracelets that fit, so a custom one is exactly what she needs.

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

Mom to three boys here! Would love the bracelet! I need some girly things! :)

Robin said...

I love unique jewelry, count me in please.

Anonymous said...

Please add me to the contest. I am a mom of 4 I think this would be a lovely tribute.

God bless

Unknown said...

Oh, I would love to win this! Please enter me!

Trina said...

This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put me down . . .

Christy said...

Very pretty jewelry! Count me in


Aimee said...

So cute! I'd love to win!

Anonymous said...

This would be a beautiful heirloom - count me in please!

Deb said...

That is beautiful - please count me in! :)

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Lovely. Hope I win.

Anonymous said...

How pretty! Count me in!

Melanie said...

i'd really like this one! thanks.

Brandie said...

It's lovely! Please count me in =)
Thank you

Unknown said...

I have 7 children and would love a bracelet that reprisents them

Tracy said...

This is beautiful.

tnayar at cox dot net

Rockin' Mama said...

I want to win because it's beautiful and I never buy jewelry for myself!

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely idea. I have three children and feel that would be a lovely way to be reminded of them always. And like others, I tend to always be making jewelry for other people rather than getting any myself. ;)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win because I dont have any mother

Lynette3boys said...

Because I love jewelry, but rarely buy myself any. Thanks.

Genevieve P said...

I have 4 girls, and I'd love a bracelet celebrating the joy and beauty they bring to my life!

michelle said...

Well, I can't say that I deserve to win any more than the next guy, but I do think that the bracelets are very beautiful, and I really don't own any bracelets at all. I would love to be entered!

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot)

Montserrat said...

Why would I like to be entered? My own attempts at making bracelets have been very sorry indeed.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win this, especially since I'm about to add #2 to our mix soon!

Tooz said...

I think I ought to win, because I know who you really are, and I even know WHERE you are--and I can send Bubba over to get it.

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous! Count me in!

Kena said...

Please add me to the list : )

Liz said...

I just love new jewelry! Awesome giveaway! Count me in! Thanks!

April said...

So cool!I would love to be entered thanks!

Tammy and Parker said...

I can't tell you how much I would love to win this!

Tina Mayo said...

I would love to have it, because I am a new mommy and I want to get one of those nursing necklaces too to keep her occupied and not pulling my hair or other stuff.

Jo said...

I would love to win this because it's beautiful and so much nicer than the medic alert bracelet I wear. LOL


Lilypad Mom said...

I have been wanting a mother's bracelet, but I never buy anything for myself. This would be such a nice treat.

Fiddle D. Dee said...

This is lovely! Please enter me!

~Nancy~ said...

I only have one child but I sure have enough empty nest syndrome to have had ten kids! This bracelet would be worn on my left wrist....closest to my heart, in honor of her.

Thanks for the chance!
Please be sure to enter mine!

Shama-Lama Mama said...

I'd love to win because I have only just started wearing jewelry again after a year and a half off because of twin babies who like to rip any jewelry off of me. They are starting to understand the rules now. YAY!

Rmomof3 said...

I would like to win! I have a bracelet representing my two oldest blessings, but we recently had a 3rd and it doesn't seem fair to wear the bracelet without S-girl being represented!

Tia said...

If you are open to non-US bloggers then I would love to win this to celebrate the adoption of my youngest daughter and in memory of my oldest daughter who died this summer.


JLP said...

so special! thanks!

Deanne said...

Why would I like to win??....'cause you make pretty bracelets and I'm a mom! :)

Aubrey said...

How lovely!! I would love a sweet bracelet!

Dori (Aviva's mommy) said...

The bracelet is really nice.

Brandy said...

I love bracelets like that. I might be away from my kids for an extended period of time here within the next 6-12 months while I complete training for a job, and would love to have something that would remind me of my kids.

Anonymous said...

beautiful! Count me in please :)

Anonymous said...

Count me in.

Stephanie said...

Please enter me - Stephanie

Shannon said...

Great idea! I've got four boys and have had 3 miscarriages...I would love to have them all represented :)

Tamara said...

I'd love another excuse to talk about my children! ;-) Tossing in my comment... Thanks!

mrshuntinak AT msn DOT com

FBF Rothkopf said...

Just lovely!

Bowen Family- Ashley said...

Count me in Please!!

Sarah said...

They're really pretty.

TJ said...

this would be a great gift for my mom....

Christine said...

Please enter me too. These are beautiful bracelets.

hil said...

I'd love one for my mother. Not to be a sap (well, a little bit), but she struggles with her relationships. I like to give her gifts that reflect her love for her 6 kids and 2 gkids to remind her I know she tries.

Anonymous said...

That is lovely! I'd like to be included because it seems like a beautiful way to remember the three babies we've lost to miscarriage who are as much a part of my 'motherhood' as my living son.

Heather said...

I don't think my comment took. Sorry if this duplicates!

I'd treasure a bracelet like this to have a tangible reminder not only of my 2 boys but also the baby I lost.

Anonymous said...

The bracelet is beautiful I would love to win one.

Anonymous said...

Pretty! Count me in!

Katie said...

I don't have any bracelets!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have a new one since my first one, made my yours truly was streatched into beads all over the office by my loving little Mitchell who has to test and try each and every thing in sight, mind, and proximity to him. ;0) (infact I could even provide most of the beads that I scooped up before Megan ate them up!)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win. You guys are GREAT!!!

The Fritz Facts said...

Why do I want to win? I don't have any jewelery that marks both my kids, this would bring them together!

Cynthia said...

Please enter me!

FENICLE said...

Oh how beautiful!! I love jewelry, but rarely purchase it for what a great treat :)



Awesome Mom said...

I would love to win so that I could have a really cool Christmas gift for my mother in law. She needs some pretty jewelry.

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting a giveaway!

Vicki said...

I've been thinking about getting something like this... it looks great.

Coach Paulette said...

Very pretty and something that I could eventually pass on to one of my 3 daughters!

Anonymous said...

I'd love this as a gift for my friend who just had a baby!

Jennifer said...

This is gorgeous & would make a perfect gift for my mom! I would love to win, so count me in! Good luck everyone!

Happy Monday!

Jennifer :-)

Anonymous said...

That is a very lovely gift - and personal too! I 've got 4 children and would be proud to wear it!

Unknown said...

What a kind and thoughtful gift! Please include my name!

Thanks so much!

Geri said...

count me in !!! Please!!! Love this!!!

Anonymous said...

4 stepsons, 2 sons, and one daughter, I am blessed with them all, seventeen grandkids, too.

Carole Burant said...

Ooooh what a fabulous giveaway!! Please add my name to your draw:-) xo

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting the giveaway at your site. I'd love a chance to win one of the beautiful bracelets that you make.

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway, such a beautiful bracelet!!! I would love to win because I LOVE being a mother, and I LOVE my kids!!! Please enter me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

please put me in the draw

Melissa Markham said...

I would love to win one to give to my mother-in-law. Funds are tight this year due to hubby being out of work and it would be nice if I could give her something special for all she does for us.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - I"d love this as a conversation piece to start talking about my kids!!

Dorothy said...

So pretty! Enter me please!

Christy said...

this would be a great reminder of my kids while I'm at work.

Anonymous said...


Pat said...

It's beautiful and a reminder of my wonderful children that I have been blessed with. Thanks for sharing!


Debbie#3 said...

Very pretty!

Unknown said...

I love bracelets! Count me in!

Ms. Kathleen said...

What a beautiful idea for a giveaway!
Thank you for entering me! God Bless ☺

Anonymous said...

So pretty! I'd love to get one of these for my sister and sister-in-law!

Bebemiqui said...

count me in ;0)

... said...

what a beautiful bracelet. one that is even more special because it's handmade.

Kristin said...

Great handiwork! Very pretty!

Corey~living and loving said...

HOw lovely! count me in please!

Anonymous said...

How sweet and lovely! I love hand-made stuff :). Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win that for my mom. Please enter me. Thank you!

P.S. I'm having a giveaway on my blog as well.

Ladybug said...

WOW! Wonderful giveaway!! Count me in please.


Liberty said...

Count me in!

Good luck to everyone :)

notmuchmorethanthis [at] gmail [dot] com

PS I too, am hosting a Fall Ya'll giveaway -

Scott Franson Photography said...

You have an amazing blog!

Linda SS said...

Thanks for a chance to win your pretty bracelet!

Cheryl said...

Oh that is awesome!! please count me in.

daisy said...

A custom bracelet would be awesome! With eleven children, there is no hope of finding one at a retail store that would be suitable!

Count me in, please~!

Heather said...

I'd love to have such a beautiful bracelet in honor of my two beautiful blessings: Abby and Noah! Please enter me name! Thanks :)

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

Did that lady just say 11 children?? Oiy...I don't have 11 kids, but count me in anyway....

Karen said...

I would love to have one as a way to keep my children close to me, even when they are somewhere else. Thank you so much!!!

kpuleski [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

How very pretty. As a mom with 2 sons that are in college but still at home I would love to win this. Soon they will fly the coop.

Elaine said...

Thanks for the drawing! I like jewelry reflecting those I love!

Michelle said...

what a pretty bracelet!

Stephanie said...

Enter me please!

Amy Jane (Untangling Tales) said...

I have three kids and no "mom" jewelry. I'm ready now ;o)

Ann'Re said...

How beautiful...what a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win one!

Chele said...

Absolutely STUNNING -- this braclet is going to look wonderful on me! LOL Count me in!!!

Anonymous said...

Why I'd like to win? Because it seems very very beautiful, thanks.
Karen (

Blessed Beyond a doubt.... said...

Can you fit 5 boys on there? LOL!

Love it!

Pleezzzzzzzzze pick me!

COMomma said...

LOVELY! I'd love to wear your stuff, and show it off!

Sherry said...

Please enter me in this drawing. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

WHat a unique bracelet. Count me in!

Lisa said...

Pretty! Count me in!

Annikke said...

OOO I love it!!!!

Elizabeth said...

I'd love it! Count me in too!

Anonymous said...

This is great! I love it!

Little ol' Me said...

First I wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. I'm also a mommy of 4, and I can sure relate to your posts!

Please enter me into your drawing for this lovely piece!

Thank you,
Tiffany in Washington

Drewe Llyn said...

Count me in!

Reality Show Reject said...

Beautiful bracelet! I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Kim Holmes said...

count me in!

Paula said...

What a nice giveaway!

April said...

very pretty! Thank you for allowing me the opporunity to win.

Zaankali said...

please count me in

Anonymous said...

very nice. Please enter me.

Melissa said...

I'd love to get one of these for my mom. I've only got one little one, but she's got four, plus my husband and our son. She'd love this for Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I would love this, please enter me in!

Anonymous said...

I would like this. I normally don't wear jewlery but to represent my children, the ones here on earth and my one in Heaven.

Kristiem10 said...

Lovely. I'd enjoy this!

Sonya said...

I'd love to win because this is a beautiful gift. It's something I could even hand down to my daughters!

Emily said...

please enter me! what a beautiful bracelet!

mommyof8blessings said...

Thats so pretty!!
Please enter me too!!

Anonymous said...

i would love to give this to my sister as a gift! beautiful!

debjohanning at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd love a little something for myself. Those kinds of things come too few and far between!

Check out my giveaway, too!


Jo said...

Great piece! I make jewelry but only sell it locally right now; love the Mothers' Bracelet, but I don't make them. I would love to win it, though, because I am a HUGE fan of supporting and purchasing handmade goods (jewelry, especially!) from local or online vendors :O). I'd definitely give your plus to all my friends, as they know how much I adore jewelry like this! It's lovely!

momofmhasr said...

very pretty.

Jo said...

Oops - should I be so lucky: joger0305atyahoodotcom!

mamaredhead said...

It's adorable. I have 2 kiddos and would love a Mommy Bracelet!

mamaredhead at gmail dot com

Angela said...

Sooo pretty.. Id only have one baby bead though! :)

Bouquet of Daisies said...

Those are beautiful! I'd love to have one to show off my blessings!

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